Serbian Origin Baby Names with Meanings

List of baby names in which the origin is Serbian. Serbian is the South Slavic language spoken in Serbia. Serbian names are rendered in the "Western name order" with the surname placed after the given name. "Eastern name order" may be used when multiple names appear in a sorted list, particularly in official notes and legal documents when the last name is capitalized.
  1. Jasna

    Clarity, Clear, Sharp, Beautiful Beautiful Clear Sharp
  2. Iva

    Willow, Willow tree Tree
  3. Iskra

    Spark, Sparkle Fire
  4. Gordan

    Dignified, Large fortification Dignified Dignity
  5. Gordana

    Dignified Dignified Dignity
  6. Goran

    Mountain man Man Mountain
  7. Duško

    Soul, Spirit Soul Spirit Spiritual
  8. Divna

    Wonderful, Wondrous, Fascinating Fascinating Wonderful
  9. Dejan

    To act, To do
  10. Danica

    Morning star, Venus Morning Star
  11. Slobodan

    Freedom Freedom
  12. Bogdan

    Given by God
  13. Bosko

    Given by God
  14. Boban

    Given by God, Freedom Freedom
  15. Biljana

    White, Fair, Herb Fair Plant White
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